Mollie Michelle, Naetive Studio

What does it take for an aspiring entrepreneur to build an empire? Find out the biggest mistakes, the greatest lessons and the most valuable insights from our inspiring founder's podcast, UNBOXED.
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This week, we feature another early-stage founder to show what it’s like to start a business in 2024.

Mollie Michelle launched her handmade mug company during the pandemic and maternity leave and 2 years on she’s organically grown to 100,000 followers.

In this episode, she joins Connie Nam and shares why she’s grateful for making so many mistakes early on, how she built a 10+ strong production team and the influencer repost which changed everything.

Thank you to Payhawk for sponsoring this episode.


To keep up with the podcast, follow @unboxed_founderconfidential, @connienam and @astridandmiyu